Our Scientists


Associate Professor

I am a faculty at the Department of Radiology, Center for Biomedical Imaging, New York University School of Medicine, where I spearhead the MRI Biophysics group, together with Els Fieremans. My background is theoretical condensed matter physics, which adds a unique perspective and modern physics methodology to quantifying tissue properties with diffusion and relaxation MRI at the mesoscopic scale of cell dimensions. 


  • Biophysical modeling of diffusion and NMR transverse relaxation at the mesoscopic scale
  • Mapping of tissue microstructure with MRI
  • Parameter estimation in tissue models; information content of MRI signal
  • Image reconstruction and noise-removal techniques based on random matrix theory



  • 2012-2015: Litwin Foundation for Alzheimer’s Research
  • 2014-2025: NIH/NINDS R01 NS088040: Mesoscopic biomarkers of neurodegeneration with diffusion MRI
  • 2019-2025: NIH/NIBIB R01 EB027075: Random matrix theory-based noise removal in MRI
  • 2019-2029: NIH/NIBIB P41 EB017183, TRD3: Revealing microstructure: Biophysical modeling and validation for discovery and clinical care
  • 2024-2029: NIH/NINDS R61/R33 AT012270: Development and Clinical Translation of RPBM for Quantitative Assessment of Myofascial Pain


I received a PhD in theoretical condensed matter physics from MIT Physics Department in 2003, and subsequently worked as research fellow at Princeton and Yale in 2003-2008. I developed elastic scattering theory [1] for electrons in graphene, a novel nanoscale material with unique electrical properties, and exactly solved the Coulomb scattering problem in graphene, which has explained the main observable contribution to its electrical resistivity [2]. I also introduced quantized adiabatic charge transport of a fractional quasipartlcle charge, which is relevant to carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoribbons [3, 4]. This transport mechanism involves a strongly correlated semi-crystallized one-dimensional ordering of electrons (the so-called Mott insulator, subsequently observed [5]), placed in the field of an adiabatically moving periodic potential. These strongly correlated electronic states are relevant for metrology (current quantization) and for quantum computing. I have also helped to reveal collective effects in arrays of quantum dots [6], which may explain non-Gaussian (Levy) statistics in their fluorescence.

  1. Novikov DS. Elastic scattering theory and transport in graphene. Physical Review B 76, 245345 (2007)
  2. Novikov DS. Numbers of donors and acceptors from transport measurements in graphene. Applied Physics Letters 91, 102102 (2007)
  3. Novikov DS. Devil’s staircase of incompressible electron states in a nanotube. Physical Review Letters 95, 066401 (2005)
  4. Novikov DS. Electron properties of carbon nanotubes in a periodic potential. Physical Review B 72, 235428 (2005)
  5. Deshpande V, Chandra B, Caldwell R, Novikov DS, Hone J, Bockrath M. Mott insulating state in ultraclean carbon nanotubes. Science 323, 106 (2009)
  6. Wang S, Querner C, Dadosh T, Crouch CH, Novikov DS, Drndic M. Collective fluorescence enhancement in nanoparticle clusters. Nature Communications 2, 364 (2011)